Summer is made for spending time outdoors, more outdoor fun means more dirty clothes. The washing machine can be the biggest water guzzler over the months of Summer, so make sure your machine is up to scratch.

Use these tips to keep your washing machine in tip top shape and save yourself some money:
- Check your washing machine hoses regularly for various type of damage, including bulges, leaks or cracks, and get them replaced as soon as you notice anything!
- If your washing machine is over 3 years old, it is time to replace the hoses – these should be replaced approximately every 3 years.
- Keep your washing machine at least 4 inches from the wall to prevent damage to the machine and kinking to the hoses.
- Never leave the home while the washing machine is running.
- Run a wash with a full load and you could save up to 10 Litres per load
- Adjust the water level to suit the size of the load – newer water-efficient models sometimes come with the ability to do this automatically.
- Consider purchasing a front-loading washing machine
- Check the water efficiency performance of any product before buying.
If you have any concerns with the installation of a new washing machine, call Omega today. Our team of experienced, qualified technicians can provide you with advice on the most appropriate solution for your home.
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