A smoke alarm is one of the most essential features of any residence or building. They work to ensure the safety of your friends, family and colleagues, yet there can be a lot of confusion around their installation if you have little experience working with them.

We have compiled a short list of tips for you to keep in mind when installing your smoke detector:

1. Be choosey about where you install your detectors:Don’t locate it near doorways, windows, air conditioners or ceiling fans as the smoke may end up being funneled away from the smoke detector. Detectors are best located within passages, bedrooms or blocked off corners of rooms.

2. Detectors MUST be located on the ceiling:Smoke rises, accordingly the alarms are mounted on the ceiling. If you are unable to attach the alarm to the wall, it should be attached to the highest part of the wall. Make sure the alarm is not located too close to where the wall joins the ceiling.

3. Photoelectric Smoke Detectors:This type of detector triggers when a change in the amount of light getting through to the sensor is picked up. This means even a fire from lightly burning objects can set it off. This type of detector needs to be located away from kitchens, dining rooms and chimneys for these very reasons.

4. Ionisation Smoke Alarms:Ionisation smoke alarms work by detecting the invisible particles emitted by combustion. These go off faster for fast, flaming fires that don’t emit a lot of visible smoke, but can be slower triggering to slow smoldering fires.

No matter the kind of smoke alarm, our team of friendly electricians is ready and waiting to help you install the best fire safety systems in your home. For complete peace of mind, call Omega today on 1300 674 797!